Dal 30 Aprile al 3 Maggio 2018 Covis ha partecipato a una delle più importanti fiere mondiali sulle tecnologie per le risorse energetiche offshore, a Houston, in Texas, negli Stati Uniti.


From April 30th to May 3rd 2018 Covis took part in one of the most important world exhibitions on technologies for offshore energy resources, in Houston, Texas, United States.

We are talking about the 50th edition of the OTC (Offshore Technology Conference), which this year, in addition to the recurring topics, has focused on new subjects such as: current state of the industry, industry-leading safety practices and breakthrough technologies in a low oil price environment. An event that this year has reached over 61,300 attendees from more than 100 countries. A 46,450 square meter structure to collect exhibition stands, meetings and conferences.

For Covis it was an important event, the first participation. We had the opportunity to present our reality but also to do networking and to deepen our knowledge of the market and future scenarios.

It was a pleasure to share the expertise gained in the Oil and Gas sector, proudly representing the quality of our services.

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